Home and School
Home and School is a non-profit volunteer organization made up of parents. It focusses on fundraising activities and organizing special events dedicated to enhancing and the general well-being of the children of the school in collaboration with the principal and teachers. Most local Home and Schools, are part of the Quebec Federation of Home and School Association.
To stay in good standing with the QFHSA membership should be at least 10% of the school population. The Quebec Federation of Home and School Association Inc., is an independent, incorporated, non for profit, volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the education and general well-being of children and youth. The QFHSA promotes the involvement of parents, students, educators, and the community at large in the advancement of learning, and acts as a voice for parents. There is an annual cost to parents to be part of the QFHSA. The provincial membership links the Home and School with The Canadian Home and School Federation, making Home and School a partner in the largest parent volunteer organization.
To be a member you are not required to volunteer. It is at the discretion of the individual whether they choose to be active, partially active, or not at all. Members are encouraged to participate in ways that most suit their own availability. Everyone is welcome to the monthly meetings; you are not required to be a member of HS. Nevertheless, only members have voting rights.
Any money raised through Home and School stays within Home and School. Before any spending, the members can vote on where the money is to be spent. Your individual membership affiliates you with both the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA) and the Canadian Home and School Federation (CHSF). You will receive the QFHSA newsletter 4 times a year.
Home and School can be contacted at: sherbrookeacademyhomeandschool@gmail.com